
All women of the congregation are considered members of the Women of the ELCA group (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America).  WELCA meets the 1st Tuesday of the month (Mary Circle meets at noon, Naomi Circle meets at 7:00pm) for fellowship, bible study, and business meeting.  Both circles meet together quarterly for a general meeting.  WELCA is quite busy through the year with many activities and ministry including seasonal candy making, Corn Pie Supper, Harvest Home Sunday, Soup Making, Potato Filling, Thankoffering Sunday, Peach Festival, Christmas Sharing at Topton, Thrivent Congregational Coordinators, putting together mission bags, and so much more.  The women also assist with funeral luncheons, and provide meal and hospitality for members during times of need.  WELCA supports the ministries of the congregation through direct gifts.