Ministries of the Congregation
Advent Family Night
Contact: Pastor Bair
Advent is a special time of year when we gather together to prepare for the Christ child. Advent family nights begin on the first Wednesday of Advent, and continue through the Advent season.
Altar Guild
The altar guild is a very important ministry at Zion. The members who volunteer their time keep our altar looking beautiful each and every week. They are charged with changing seasonal paraments and cleaning the candelabras, urns, and candle holders. They also set the altar for Holy Communion, Baptisms, Weddings, and
funerals. They are always looking for others to help keep our sanctuary beautiful!
Bear Creek Camp
Contact: Church Office
Bear Creek Camp is a ministry offered by the ELCA. The camp is a Lutheran outdoor retreat center for both youth and adults.
Christmas Tree of Sharing
Contact: Church Office
In addition to WELCA’s Christmas Sharing at Topton, the congregation also has a tree located in the breezeway during advent adorned with gift tags for children in need. People may take a tag and place the gifts under the tree which will then be transported to the Salvation Army before Christmas.
Conrad Weiser Food Pantry
Contact: Church Office
Zion collects food weekly that is gathered together on a monthly basis and donated to the food pantry. This pantry provides assistance to those within our immediate community.
Facilities Usage
Contact: Church Office
The building is the property of the church, and both members of the congregation and the community may arrange to reserve space for family celebrations, programs, and other events. Guidelines for usage and fees may be found by contacting the church office.
Harvest Home Sunday
Contact: Women of the ELCA
Harvest Home Sunday is celebrated each year in the fall. We decorate our sanctuary with fresh fruits and vegetables from the harvest, along with other food donations. All the food is then gathered together and donated to the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry. We use this time in worship to remember our blessings and to pray
for those in need.
Contact: Geraldine Kramer
As part of WELCA, the women work together in the mission of helping others. The group assembles health kits, school bags, and quilts.
Property Committee
Contact: Charlie Brown
The property committee is a busy group here at Zion! The committee meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm. During these meetings, the committee works in and around the church fixing items that need repair, and assessing future repair needs through the building and property. The committee is always looking for new people to help care for our beautiful church building!
Shepherding/Outreach Committee
This committee often works behind the scenes but always finds tasks to keep themselves busy! The committee helps set up and organize coffee hours, potlucks, and other fellowship meals throughout the year. Birthday cards are also sent to members of the congregation as we pray for each person on their special day. The committee also helps the congregation in many other very important ways!
Stewardship Committee
Contact: Irv Tyson
The Stewardship Committee continues its pursuit of God’s mission. The committee meets on a monthly basis and strives to continue educating works to support our congregation about the importance of stewardship in our daily lives, and in the life of our congregation in becoming worthy stewards of God’s gifts.
WBMD Summer Day Camp
Contact: Pastor Bair
Each year, the West Berks Mission District hosts a local week long day camp during the summer. The children who attend camp learn bible stories, enjoy arts and crafts, watch movies, eat lunch together, and take field trips.
West Berks Shepherding
Contact: Irv Tyson
West Berks Shepherding Ministries (WBSM) is an ecumenical, faith based outreach to the communities of western Berks County. Volunteers assist clients with transportation needs to doctor appointments, food shopping, errands, etc. There is always a need for volunteers and the needs for services continue to grow!
Worship and Music Committee
Contact: Mary Jane Bickel
The Worship and Music committee meets on a monthly basis to plan worship and special events throughout the year. The committee works closely with the pastor to pick hymns, and plan special services, as well as organize church decorating for Christmas and Easter.
Worship Volunteers
Contact: Church Office
There are a variety of ways to volunteer on Sunday mornings during worship. We are always looking for volunteers to serve and ushers, greeters, readers, deacons, acolytes, and more. No experience in necessary and training will be provided.